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I had recently been toying with the idea of updating the dashboards I had in A6 travellers Notebook that I use as a combination of wallet and on the go planner but I couldn't decide what I wanted to use. Because of its smaller size it can sometimes be hard to find things that fit without losing half the graphic.

But then Veronica from Glimps stamps shared her new digital paper pack to our Dt page and I fell in love. It was bright and zingy and perfect for these long cold and uninspiring winter months. It was the fresh pick me up my planner and I needed and the best bitbeing digital meant I could have it straight away, no waiting months for it to get here and then being already in the mood for something else.

After downloading, thank goodness for modern technology and instant gratification it brings, I printed the patterns I liked in a variety of sizes and then trimmed them all to the 4 inch by 5.5 inch I needed to fit into my dashboard keepers.  Now came the fun part. Decorating the dashboards. I knew I wanted them to be clean and simple but still decorative enough to make them fun and a joy to look at. I also wanted to build on the clean tropical feel that the papers had so I added a few tropical inspired stickers and washi tape and then went to town with the quotes and inspirational words. 

I love that no matter where I open my planner to now I am going to be greeted with a fresh uplifting and inspiring vision which is exactly what I will need to get through winter and it's blah weather.

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